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Conversation with an Angel – How to Heal Illness

by Cleo Dunsmore Buchanan

I asked Archangel Michael, "How do we find healing, beloved angel? When our bodies seem an impossible puzzle? "

He answered, "Joy is healing, my child. I ask you to imagine you are as a child on a summers day, playing at the playground. I ask you to imagine each time you speak with a friend, you are like that child, laughing and running and chasing and playing. How much energy is in that child? How much joy can you find in the smallest part of your life? Even when you didn’t choose it, each facet of existence is brilliant and shining like a gemstone! 

I see you playing with your friends and wonder how can healing not happen like this? It is overwhelming to see you playing with your friends in joy and happiness!

How can you make this your primary experience? Each time the suffering of the body arises, how can you offer it peace instead? How can you suggest there will be more for this body than suffering? There is always a space for joy to invade and infectious laughter to be your complaint! (Smile) Right?

Even when you have lost everything and lie abed, sad and weeping for all your losses. There comes a time when the tears subside. And someone brings you a hot cup of tea. Or you are able to stagger into the kitchen and make for yourself some chicken soup. This is a great joy. No matter how meager this meal is, it is a great joy to live in that moment and know, “I am well. Look at me, I made it to the kitchen today. I am well, my loved one has brought tea to my bedside today. I am well. I celebrate this warm cup in my hands. I am alive! I celebrate this moment!”

Perhaps you don’t know what I mean. A celebration to you might mean paper party hats and music blaring and dancing. Wildness! Revelry! Unstoppable laughter and merriment on a Friday night with many people around, their talk deafening and joyous in your ears!

I suggest you imagine- what if all that energy is only one kind of celebration? What if being alive and in yourself is another kind? We all have moments where suddenly- we see the world anew- dazzling- as if we have been blind up until that moment. We all have lives lived with blinders on, tunnel vision, busy with work, with achievement, goals, problems. How would it be if that moment of vision, that experience of single understanding of how beautiful everything is- that clarity of vision that this moment is like a diamond and precious beyond compare- how if that is actually the celebration we all could live in all day? 

The more we see with these eyes- the more we heal, my dear Cleo. The more you live in that moment, the more your whole body can unpick its puzzle, and reconfigure into what it was meant to be. This is the celebration! Sitting in the present with clear vision, knowing, feeling, the truth of yourself and everything around you.

Do you see my child? In this way all things are ordered. In this truth is all love and healing. All peace and kindness falls into the world from this vision, this understanding, this clarity. 

So I ask you, spend time there! Spend time in clarity, in love, in blissful celebration of every moment! And you will find all the healing you seek and more!"

Thank you beloved angel!


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