I asked Archangel Michael,
"Please beloved angel, for a few days I have taken off work to manifest healing for myself. And now several times you have come to me and said, 'Cleo you can return to work anytime. I am sorry you are sad, I am sorry you feel badly. You can return to work and let the disappointment go.'
Not once did I realize I was avoiding work, avoiding my disappointment suffered when recently my work was cut back.
Now I wonder, how do we know when we are deciding something and when we are just having a trauma response which needs attention?"
Michael replied, “Cleo you truly know how to make the waters murky! What does it matter why you’ve made a decision?
Why do you ask such a question? I wonder if knowing might shed some light on the situation. I don’t wish to be draconian. Perhaps your question is not what you think it is.”
I answered, "Beloved, I was so happy and certain I was taking good care of myself. And now I see I was just avoiding embarrassment. I wonder if all of our decisions are not simply avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. "
He explained patiently, “What do you think? Many philosophers have pursued such to its logical end. I don’t wish to retrace their steps. Suffice it to say, you needn’t be ashamed of wishing to have pleasure. You needn’t be ashamed of choosing an easy path. I ask you to respect your choices.
When I come after you and suggest you might go a different way, this is not criticism. I am not nagging after you! I offer you my vision in the hopes you might discover your strength or your way might be more than you have chosen.
Always we have moments of discovery! This is a great blessing, not something to be sad about. This is a beautiful path, not a shadow to dodge.
Cleo- this is the essence of life, how it is created, by your choices! To lie abed or to work! To respect your pain or to push through! To rise after calming and soothing your soul and to allow work to be fresh again! How you chose to create tells everyone around you what you would like more of! This is beautiful!
You’ve told the universe, me, and your family that when you suffer a big disappointment you would like to be blessedly accepting. You would like to have a time of divine grace to process and accept this change. You would like a gentle reminder that it is fine to return. You have created for all of us a pattern which we can learn from, your son can learn from.
Your family will know you need this space in future. I will know you wish this gentle time to yourself and I will be able to respect it.
This is a powerful manifestation of a beautiful future for you and your family, and for you and I working together. Think how much easier this is than past reactions?”
Thank you beloved angel!