In this channeled conversation with my beloved angel, I asked about the illness of our world. I have richly enjoyed my twenty years of channeling the spirits! I’ve shared over 150 online intuitive readings. I love teaching intuitive development classes! To listen to a guided meditation, click here! I have a podcast with my mentor Sean Allison, and if you’d like to hear one, click here. I also have a line of healing videos, and angel channel videos. Or you may be interested in a free or paid reading, join my facebook group here.
My Beloved Angel answered, "It began long ago, before you were born. So you may not have much knowledge of the source of your planets sorrows today, Cleo."
I replied< "I believe I see very clearly the source of my planets sorrows beloved. Please continue. What do you believe are the planets sorrows?"
Overconsumption of course. Of every form of blessing that you have. Over consumption of power by politicians, over consumption of resources. Over consumption of leisure without heed to the dramatic effect to your planet or members withholding their gifts. All these are dramatic and destructive over time. Do you agree?
Oh yes! I couldn’t have said it better!
(The angel smiles!)
The structure I wish to speak of today is the structure and function of the human soul, which has been lost to your people. They believe the soul is some extra bit, like a good book in the evening, a luxury, not a staple part of their diet. And so they have given themselves to all other manner of leisure and rest, thinking the soul requires devotion of unparalleled stature to access.
You mean- they believe they must have a week long yoga retreat or be a church goer for many years? They believe they must have a deep conviction of God or experience of Christ to have access to their soul?
Oh yes precisely!! You understand me perfectly!
I ask you- how can your people recognize this deficit? When the soul is awakened, these priorities shift from physical and mental comfort to service. And even then, the comforts seem to be more prevalent in one’s life, not less, as each act to preserve the planet comes with a deep satisfaction of knowing the deep interconnectedness of all things. It becomes a ritual dance, fulfilling on its own, a comfort instead of a costly sacrifice. Does this make sense to you?
Beloved, oh yes! I’ve seen exactly what you speak of! Perhaps it would be good for people to recognize our souls are more connected than it appears- we have a physical interdependence- the economy- it is obvious we need each other for all the essentials of life through money and exchange for food, clothing, shelter. However people seem to wish to isolate to conserve their peaceful nature. Then they have the sense their soul is a very solitary experience, an elite experience they can only have around those who are like them and share the same interests- yoga people only access their soul with other yoga people. They return to their day job, or their family responsibilities and feel polluted. They seek another yoga retreat to find their soul again.
Cleo there is no dark night of the soul that can not be offered peace and healing in your peoples connection with each other. Yet they seek solitude for healing. This is not the fastest or most beneficial way. I implore you to teach your people this! Mine have long embraced the collective consciousness, and so you find us a bit confusing, yes? We have distinct personalities and we have also no formed linear understanding or behaviors, no individual names as you have. This is so powerful for us- we still have that joy and appreciation of every facet of our true identities- we still have individualism. Yet we seek to also have harmony in our culture. Harmony at the sacrifice of only our worst parts, benefitting and uplifting the best parts. So as a collective, you have seen, we support each other when one is weak or wishes to turn from the group in a disagreement. An individual is offered kindness and understanding rather than condemnation or judgement when they experience weakness. However your people cast someone out, it’s an act of cruelty and often accompanied by harsh words and often leads to further repetition of the same cruelty, through no one’s fault- the person gets it in their head this is what they are- an outcast, and can not find the path back to the collective. Does this make sense?