Often I am given a gift. Most of the time, I don’t realize it’s a gift!
It’s so funny, I was invited to a pagan gathering, the celebration of SAMHAIN. I love the people who gather for this and I was so excited to be invited. But, I found myself questioning over and over again whether I should go or not. Was that too busy? Would these people remember me? Would they be happy to see me? Would they expect more for me than I have to give with my very busy schedule?
Archangel Michael said to me, “Cleo, I bring you delights and all you can do is complain.“
I thought, “Oh this is a gift.” I realized that all these questions were completely irrelevant. I don’t need to worry about how others perceive me or what I have to offer. My goal and responsibility is to go and enjoy and connect as fully and deeply and happily as I truly am blessed to share.
I love going to events and meetings and ceremonies and having the very best time with a group of loving amazing individuals. And this beautiful gathering was as loving and generous and free flowing of deep connection as any I have ever been to.
As my day begins today, and all I have on my list is chores and tasks that I absolutely have to get done before I get on an airplane tomorrow at 3 AM, I am reminded. “This is a gift. To travel is a huge blessing. To have the privilege to journey and vacation and enjoy my life so deeply and richly as a tremendous delight. And preparing for it is a luxurious vacation itself! Each thing I pack is truly filled with anticipation, if I pay attention to every joyous detail of my dream.
From a science perspective, we can remember, anticipation is actually when humans get the dopamine spike. After the beloved activity, horseback riding, eating that chocolate cake, these we believe cause huge surges in the happiness hormone. However dopamine actually peaks during anticipation, and invites greater commitment to that activity we are dreaming about.
So the next time I find myself creating a laundry list of grievances or concerns or fears, I hope I will remember this is a delight. How can I remember that this is truly the greatest most privileged gift for me to unpack with joy, as much joy as a child on Christmas Day?