Divorce energy is powerful medicine.
We all have judgments about what happens when our friends or we divorce. This is actually a brilliant powerful time, we might feel like we haven’t breathed while we were under the spell of someone. Divorce energy is a breakaway, free fall of rediscovering all the things we have betrayed in ourselves to accommodate someone else. It’s a brilliant recreation of who we are and our deepest values.
So we might have a burst of divorce energy when we leave a job, when we block a previous friend, when we leave a club or end a habit. Suddenly we find ourselves feeling angry and seeing the oppression we have been living under all this time!! Whoa! When did we agree to subjugate our morals, our joy, our deep loves, to someone else’s ideas of what is right?
The energy of divorce might give us a feeling of powerful anger and betrayal. We might blame the other person or organization and be pointing the finger. “You did this to me! I’m fighting for my freedoms here! This is who I really am! You are an evil under lord, under that simple deceiving human exterior!”
Well, let’s laugh, why not? I mean, the truth is, we did it to ourselves. We agreed with them in an attempt to find something we are truly wanting, that maybe someone else has for us. So we are always on the journey of self discovery. Handing over the keys to our life car and allowing a spouse or partner or job to drive for us is an act of faith and surrender. We want to know if we can find something we have searched for for a long time!
And then eventually, we discover the car has been driven someplace we aren’t flourishing. It isn’t our pick and we don’t like it so much. We’ve become a human pretzel bending and bending and bending until we are unrecognizable to ourselves and everyone else. Our friends, our true friends, lament this change. “Where did you go? I like the old you. There was never anything wrong with you my friend.”
So then, we divorce our power from the power that has been subjugating us. We have a chance to rediscover who we are and what is important to us. We are free!! We breathe again!! We feel marvelous and reborn!! There is the pain of the death of this previous creation, and we have to leave some people behind. But truly, it’s their loss.
If you have divorce energy in your life today, or tomorrow, I want you to know, I’m not worried about you. You are doing fine! You are rebirthing the most important parts of yourself and your power. It’s ok to excavate our buried joy that others have been condemning in you. It’s ok to be shameless and bold and reinvent all the things that have been missing deep inside you.
I hope you’ll look in the mirror and say to yourself today, “I am rebirthing my love for myself. No one did anything wrong. I chose to learn from someone. And now I embrace this painful tearing open and accept this journey is holy, sacred. I have no regrets, and I celebrate this incredible renewal. Welcome back, ME!”