When I experience fear, flashbacks, uncontrollable avoidance and racing for cover, I have an opportunity to create anew identity through the healing cycle. Angel Abraham offers this teaching through Cleo Dunsmore Buchanan.
Human frailties are often seen as deep wells filled with regrets for how these disabilities came about. At one time you were whole. And then came the accident. And now you are shattered beyond belief.
It is a rupture of all you held dear. And now a whole army of challenges face you. Will you turn your back and run, giving up on your own future when healing is near?
Perseverance is a powerful facet of yourself that must be engaged in sincerity. Deeply engaged. Wisely empowered with full force of the intellect heart and soul.
We may believe that none of this is real, nothing can hurt us if we base ourselves in the worst of our past expecting nothing can be better. To hold these experiences as informative lessons is false.
Even remembering, replaying our story of woe, can weaken the fabric of our faith in reality. Our faith in our safety, our faith in the most basic of human goodness and the goodness of creation
We are always falling down. It is best to look up, else the view will poison who we are and all we stand for.
No one can pick you up out of this false reality but yourself. To see the truth is to see the light and joy and beauty. I want you to message yourself with this idea daily- one walks out of the mouth of hell into the light every day. And it is a choice that must be made in order to continue on the path of dignity and faith. For us to progress requires faith and hospitality in all arenas of life — the soul must be accommodated, the heart must have a comfortable home, the wisdom must be fed and watered for it to blossom.
Faith is the ground we build upon.
So it is, and always shall be. What being can survive without the faith that life is good and has brilliant light awaiting the faithful supplicant? I ask you kindly if your questions lead you forward or inevitably lead you backward? Always faith is asked for, and when it arrives, mountains can be climbed easily as lifting a pen or finding paper to write upon.