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The Colorless Truth
I decide, this is not for me, and steer my life away from a painful experience. Did I learn a truth, or create my own injury and write a story? Perhaps learning is truly colorless.

Each time I remember an old injury, I think I am doing something really good for myself.

I pick up that lesson, and I listen to it kindly and lovingly, thinking to myself, “I won’t let this happen again. It’s so important to me. I love that I can see this wrong, and I can right it by valuing myself more, and look at all the good things I learned here! This will never happen again. I won’t let it happen again.”

Invariably, I shut down all the good connectivity that I have going on, and it’s miserable. 

The arguing mind is always eager and willing with an excuse, with righteous indignation, with logic, with endless tools and stories of injustice, to stop me from my true purpose. 

My quiet mind is always filled with peaceful impartial views. Here I can see this injury I created myself in my deeply offended reaction. Why waste my energy being offended? This deep and open state of understanding shows us our reactions are meaningless, as are the things we believe are hurtful lessons.

In Don Miguel Ruiz book, the mastery of love, he says,  it’s vital to love deeply and love joyously. However it isn’t safe unless you Love people like they are tigers.

He gives many examples of how we injure ourselves in expecting certain things from others. My friendship with another mom might be laced with expectation that we both enjoy playing with our kids, enjoy being very active with our kids. And when she is not active at all, I can be left wondering, “Does she not like me?”

My love for her is stunted. I think I’ve been backhanded for something and I don’t know what it is. The truth remains, she is a beautiful tiger of her own. She has the right to be with her kids the way she wants to, and I shouldn’t love her any less or imagine she doesn’t like me. 

I can’t make a tiger happy, I can’t expect a tiger to do what I want it to do. If I love her like she is a free spirit, without expectations, suddenly, nothing is hurtful.

I walk around daily, revisiting stories like this one, recreating that discomfort and judgement and desire for protection. I tell myself I am doing the right thing. I tell myself, I am different and I’m standing up for myself here, this is who I am, that is who she is. 

The truth is I created all that disconnect, to protect myself in case I’m being rejected. My arguing mind seizes on this fear- she could hurt me, she could judge me and say something about my parenting that is hurtful.

So the arguing mind, in its brilliant capacity, has a story for me to tell myself to keep our connection from happening again. And this mom and her beautiful kids are kept at a distance. Every time I tell myself the story, I renew the blockage, and that whole avenue of beautiful friendship is held away from me.

Recognizing this is the beginning of a path of quiet acceptance. The deep, quiet mind, allows us to see that no judgment is forthcoming when we encounter different people. We can celebrate each others differences and enjoy learning what the advantages are of what they offer, and they can try out what we do as well. 

Can any learning happen without this process, of releasing our judgement and seeing a colorless truth? We believe we are learning when we protect ourselves with our old angry stories, and vowing they will never happen again. 

When we step into the quiet of the deep, silent, accepting mind, we truly learn. When we let go of a fear based life, then we truly learn. When we open and find all experiences defy our small stories of pain and betrayal, we find a new voiceless understanding. Like the Dao, there are no explanations needed. The truth is simple and joyous, to allow to be what it is. Like the tiger, we don’t have to make it happy or change it to love its natural beautiful power.

I have enjoyed twenty years of conversations and deep healing with the spirits! I bring clients closer to their angels and offer deep past life healing services. I shared over 170 online angel readings for clients in the past year. I illustrate and write oracle decks, and my latest is available on Etsy. Read my blog, at Or you may wish to dive into your own meditation practice with a healing meditation video. Im excited to share my next angel channeled blog post with you, so hit the like button and sign up so you don’t miss more angel messages!! 

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