Jesus's Spirit seeks to share with us his wisdom and loving heart - channeled by Cleo Dunsmore Buchanan
I was born of this man and woman. And so is every human child, and every animal baby. Creation looms large in this dynamic, always unfolding in patterns, the male and female, the child vulnerable and open.
This bears touching upon, as your people find it so confusing. Can they change the order of creation and claim a man is a woman or the reverse? Can a man love a man in holy matrimony and produce a child? Can lovers unite and not create a family but lie in splendor and luxury enjoying themselves?
I was asked these questions in my life, and I will give you the same answer I gave then. Who are we to tell another what their love looks like? Who are we to design another’s life and say, “Now go live it.” Who are we to step into another's shoes and see what they see and decide their most painful questions of the heart for them? It is an abomination against God to do so. Not to judge their creations is the true gospel of holiness, and leads to worlds of joy and love.
I had a friend who was a gay man, as you call it today. When I was alive, he was considered a freak, and could not speak of his long love of his best friend without danger to his life. I asked him what it was like to be in love with a man, and to celebrate their love. He answered it was the finest ambrosia, like joining with God himself. Nothing could compare to it. As he had heard others speak of being in love with women and making families. I said, “God praise your love whatever fashion it takes, I bless you, go forward and sin no more.”
Sin is a word and has had many meanings through the ages. I meant, on that day, to no longer betray himself against his love. To no longer hold himself as an abomination against God. We each see ourselves in the light when we believe we do good. And when that good is missing or the judgments sway against us, we fear we are against all of creation and God's beautiful order. Who are we to stand against these things and reject the love offered us?
I tell you now, solidly, truly, no one is against God when they are in true harmony with their own beautiful creation. If a man be gay, then let him be as God ordered him. If a man love a woman and has no children, let him be celebrating life as God created him. And if a man wishes he was a woman, and sees that blossom within his body, let him be as he is. He can wear what he wishes and be seen as he is truly inside. We all walk mysterious paths to the light at the end of our days. How can you see you are also on a path mysterious to others, and you harbor their vexation. They wish to correct you every day! Yet in their patience and tolerance, they learn to see all human beings are more than a skirt or pants or man or woman. Each being is more than all these things, put together inside one skin and parading around desperate to hold together in the sight of others.
If we all celebrate, if we all celebrate our own creation in this skin, how can we fail to celebrate another’s creation in theirs? We learn from each other, how to witness the beauty of discovery. What is a human being? What is a man? What is a woman? It is time to awaken our curiosity and find, there is a beauty here that has not been seen before.
You witness much change in your world, and seek to measure it by teaspoon to tablespoon, this is good, this is bad, because the bible says it is so. I beseech you to witness, this world of yours is growing! You are growing! If the world today were no more than the world of a two thousand year old book, then I would say how sad and small you have stayed! By tracing our lineages, we find our history dominates who we are today. Why am I a miller's son? Because my father was and my father before him. And our family has lived in this mill for centuries.
I beg you to look around you today. Where has the mill gone? Where is the lineage leading back through the years? We ask each other questions and find no answer today, so we delve into a thousands of years old book of moldy poetry? Hahahahaha! I beseech you, beg you, look around you at the people you love and who care for you in return. How have the hearts of men and women changed on the face of the earth? How has your world grown and changed? It is both to be proud of, and also to be owned as our creation. Our responsibility. What place has not had the fingerprint of man on it today? Can you find such a place on the planet? Yet when I lived, there was extensive reaches of the wilds - places men feared to go even for an hour, for fear of their lives!
One question I ask you is, what have you seen of your true history? How have you found your place today in this world of yours? I seek to discover your goals in shaping your world and your truth today. Shall you create a world of Miller's sons, descended from a line of such? Shall you create a world in which only Men and Women are welcome if they dress as they always have, generation after generation? Shall you create a world where there is violence beneath the surface, hidden always or a world where violence is a solution of the past, unfashionable, forgotten, out of favor?
When we ask these questions, we do not seek to blame anyone. It is hard to find a man in a woman's clothes and recognize what to do. As a child perhaps you were beaten for such behaviors. I witness the discomfort comes from long ago behaviors being punished as if it were an edict from the Bible, from God himself, thou shalt not wear a dress! Hahahah! We take things so seriously.
I wonder what you might discover if you learned your past lessons truly by heart instead of feeling their terror in your body aching and driving you one direction or the other. Running in fear, swatting the one who frightens you, these are false narratives. They evolve from creatures running to hide and survive, hunting mammoths is a dangerous game, filled with attacks and retreats for survival. You today descended from the very best wooly Mammoth hunters ever! Imagine that for a moment. Hunting lions, bulls, elephants. Your ancestors were the bravest who fought them and won.
Now like the miller you see, I am the son of the miller, and he the son of a miller, back into history, a thousand years at this same mill.
It is time to witness and absolve ourselves, of this bloody history. I forgive my father, the fighter, and his father, the fighter, for all their violence against my family, and other families. I care and witness the healing of their acts of violence. I absolve, I wash away the cruelty of the world. For none shall pass the gates of heaven unless he has tasted the sweet forgiveness of his progeny and all the earth shall hold him in forgiveness.
No one sees what I see, sitting where I sit, in the arms of God, reaching out to you day after day.
I see a weary people, so deeply loved, and still carrying shame and punishment as if they have not learned a thing in transitioning from cavemen to the present. You have learned so much!! I love your growth and expansion! And when you love it too, I promise you, you shall see what I see. We still have further to grow, and the time is now.