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Angel Christopher : The Blind Leading the Blind
Angel Christopher teaches about the choice to see and heal our truth in our willingness to look in compassion.

(this is me leading me.)

In partnership with my angel, I asked Christopher, "Beloved angel, I want to move forward. You tell me the way is there, yet I don't see it."

Cleo, thank you, what a vivid image.  What blocks our vision? How can it be cleared?

Without clear vision, we are all a bit stuck. We want to be free, and yet with flawed vision, we are unable to recognize what is preventing us from leaping and flying away like  a bird!! What can prevent us from seeing clearly?

We have our physical world eyes that see the sunrise and this text you are reading. And we have another set of eyes, which view our life with wisdom. Some people call these the eyes of our heart. Some say it is your third eye, between your brows. It hardly matters. For what can cloud your knowing of yourself? Only one thing can. 

Beautifully, sadly, it is you. 

Yes we have injuries, we did not create them. We survived and this was a result. Yes we have reasons to look away - goodness! Painful things we have witnessed and viewed and experienced. These burn so cruelly, we might find ourselves not wanting to see anymore. We shut our eyes to the fearsome truth.

All we have survived is not our responsibility. However, our recovery is our responsibility. You cannot control the accidents of your life, but you can control how you respond to them. You can rise up and be more powerful. 

So then who determines the quality of your vision? If you find it blurry, you go to the Optometrist, and have an exam, and buy glasses for yourself. No one else can do this for you. Your partner goes to the eye doctor, you cannot say, “Hey while you’re there, get an exam for me, and glasses for me too.”

So then recovery is our path, our truth to discover. What process do we use to clear our seeing of truth? One step, vital to your people, is to go to the doctor. Any kind of talking doctor, a life coach, all kinds are available to you. There are free clinics and also students practicing with supervision who you might have the joy of visiting and working with. 

I’m curious what holds you back from this process? You see, as an angel, I’m looking down on your head and seeing this beautiful creature, walking around, thinking something terrible is going on. And indeed there were some terrible things in the past. And now they are all gone and we are here to assure you, the truth is, you are free now. Look around you, you are free now, to create amazing and powerful things. If you are stuck and so frustrated, there are so many ways for this to be a blessing, for in darkness the one who shines brings the blessings of god to all others in the dark. 

Lets face it, you don’t create everything in your life. You sort of do, and yet there is so much to learn and discover, it's like accusing a baby of creating the diaper it's been wrapped in. We are living in a net of others creations too. And we may have chosen those people to be with, it is no one's fault the accidents and cruelties that happen. So let's rise up and allow ourselves to see, as maybe this will clear your vision for good. Maybe this is the thing that holds you back. Avoiding the image, that what happened to you was somehow your fault, your choice, your creation. 

Even if you truly did something terrible, harmed someone you loved, once you face this experience and quit running from the knowing of it, you’ll find, forgiveness is close at hand always. Guilt and shame seek to hold that pain forever, yet always forgiveness is eager to be your bedfellow. The love of God wants to hold you close and allow the shame to go. Yes of course we all have things to learn and so then we find there is a list of “Not Do” things to be aware of, knowing our own weaknesses and tendencies. And so then the vision is again a key component to witnessing the truth here, allowing healing. To see and know forgiveness and divine love, means we must open our eye of knowing.

So then we are free to find this path, even for the worst of what we have done or what others have done to us. You may discover opening this eye of knowing, there is much journeying, and allowing healing to take place, so these things will settle within us. 

There is a great blessing here. It is your fiery brilliant heart! Think about it! When someone you love comes to you crying, and says they broke your vase in the kitchen, and they are certain you will be angry with them forever, are you angry at all? Their concern is quite adorable isn’t it? God is like this. We angels are like this. All your pain is a gift to us, you come crying and we are touched deeply, our hearts ignite with a passion to be with you, to know you better, to aide and assist you. 

So your heart can heal yourself and others even as we angels do. For indeed you are an Angel inside of a body! Aren’t you? Your heart heals with love even as ours do. So there is no need to fear this healing process, no need to fear seeing the truth.

 To witness and touch in love a painful truth can be a tremendous healing, even as we touch that child who broke a simple glass vase.

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