Mary Magdalene shares her wisdom - the feminine and loving way of finding your heart's purpose, your fulfillment, and loving every moment! Channeled By Cleo Dunsmore Buchanan
Focus seems so small. How can that change anything? Does zooming in on a flower or a bee change either? Not at all. The bee still flies home with nectar and pollen to share with her friends.
No one understands the necessity for focus like a honeybee. They rise at dawn and work tirelessly all day. In the evening they set sentries to guard their nests. They work long hours without a single one of them receiving a speech of recognition from another, not a single “Attaboy!” from anyone.
Work they must, for the colony to survive. They raise young, and fly far and wide searching for flowers to bring the food home to their babies and sisters. We judge them sometimes for their single minded passion. Yet it creates their entire successful world, and so without that determined focus, there would be no bees at all.
How are you a worker bee in your life? Are you bringing home the paycheck in a single minded fashion, knowing the direct focus of a person in charge and moving toward their goal? Are you slovenly or uninterested in narrowing down the world into a single achievable course?
The difference is that the person with focus reaches their goal. And even if life has a wild ride for them, because they took that first step into their dream path, they still had an amazing journey that couldn't have happened without the daring and determination to take the first step. At some point, their ability to focus and commit was what made their adventure a profitable one.
We all want to be butterflies, dancing from flower to flower. Aimless, beautiful, living a life out of time and far from consequence. And then we discover we haven’t made anything. Floating along without a care, we discover there is nothing to stand for and nothing worth having. There is only beauty, and eventually we tire of it. Only the drama of loss and wild winds and rainstorms gives life any flavor to this unenviable creature. It has no purpose, its journey seems an unending story of traumatic, meaningless ups and downs.
So then how do we create meaningful existence, effort that leads somewhere, a purpose that burns inside us and fuels us everyday?
Focus on what does burn inside you. Then there is the joy of pursuing those goals and finding your piece of this puzzle of human life. There are many people out there working on the same thing. They strive for the same goal. Perhaps knowing there are others who will join you, can bring you into an eager engagement, a fun and flowing focus, on all you desire to create!
Jump right in, today. You are doing fine.