How I put down my super powers and discovered Compassion.
I offered my friend assistance, they really really need it!They
Angel Abraham: Soul Connections
Angel Abraham talks about how we need to cultivate the
Energy Live – Abraham Speaks – healing trauma remembered and blocked out
We may have unremembered trauma, dogging at our heels, dimming
Your Sovereign Strength
by Angel Abraham on February 9You are a good judge
How Fear can Transform Your Life
by Cleo Dunsmore BuchananLife is messy! I mean what fun
Magical You
You are a magical being and its worth it to be proud and invest in your magic!
Divorce Energy
Divorce energy is a rebirthing of our deepest values and joys that we lost in our relationship with another.
My Beloved Angel – Speak Your World Into Being
I asked my beloved angel, “How is it you always
Juicy Christmas
We harp on holiday cheer and holiday blahs - these are the conditions we create year round! Lets find our special sauce that creates a better day - every day!
The Colorless Truth
I decide, this is not for me, and steer my life away from a painful experience. Did I learn a truth, or create my own injury and write a story? Perhaps learning is truly colorless.
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