Mary Magdalene Teaches – Healing my Pissed Empowerment
I myself have a frustration that rises its ugly head every now and then. When I feel really in charge of things, I get angry, for no reason. If I surrender, I am filled with joy and love. Yet I need to be focused and in my power on sometimes. How do I heal my broken empowerment? I asked Mary Magdalene and this was her reply.
Transform Your Relationships – a Healing Meditation with Mary Magdalene
In this meditation, confront your challenging relationships with the divine
Abraham Teaches – Erase This From Your Vocabulary
When we speak our reality is born. How can you open your mouth and share something rich and lovely and constructive instead of something bitter and creating more fear than you already feel?
Energy Live- Abraham Speaks – Have you been missing your car keys?
In this lovely episode, Angel Abraham talks about finding the
How Fear can Transform Your Life
by Cleo Dunsmore BuchananLife is messy! I mean what fun
Magical You
You are a magical being and its worth it to be proud and invest in your magic!
Divorce Energy
Divorce energy is a rebirthing of our deepest values and joys that we lost in our relationship with another.
My Beloved Angel – Speak Your World Into Being
I asked my beloved angel, “How is it you always
Juicy Christmas
We harp on holiday cheer and holiday blahs - these are the conditions we create year round! Lets find our special sauce that creates a better day - every day!
The Colorless Truth
I decide, this is not for me, and steer my life away from a painful experience. Did I learn a truth, or create my own injury and write a story? Perhaps learning is truly colorless.